Safe . Friendly . Fun
Ages 4yrs - Under 23s

Natural Terrain Enduro Cross
Location: Lake Preston
Date: September 13 2025
ORCWA Championship Series Round #6
Event Description
It will consist of a single lap race through light bush and fast open paddocks for up to 18km.
A Lemans start has you off and racing until a chequered flag finish.
Entry Form (please select correct class)
Online entry link TRAIL & SPROCKETS class - CLOSED
Online entry link COMPETITIVE class - CLOSED
Remember, no late entries on the day - must enter ONLINE prior to event.
Registrations close Tuesday, 9th September at 10:00 PM or earlier if classes reach maximum capacity.
Also, in the event a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a junior rider ("Minor") is/are unable to accompany the
Minor, a DEED OF APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY GUARDIAN must be completed by parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and presented at time of registration on race day. Click HERE to print out a form.
Event Details
Print off event details - CLOSED
Important information including location, directions, start time. These are the details you need to print off and bring with you on the day.
General Event Information
Please print the attached information - CLICK HERE