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Safe . Friendly . Fun
Ages 4yrs - Under 23s
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Helping Out

A message from Winton Lawton

Land Owner Co-ordinator

Any parent that has come to one of the Junior Events, would realise that an enormous amount of time goes into setting up

the event.

Personally, I would spend many hours organising each event.

In addition to my time, a number of other people donate large amounts of their time to help with the organisation of these events,

which is greatly appreciated.

It is fantastic that so many of the major sponsors, most of which are in the Motorcycle industry, are very supportive of the Junior


We still need your help!

I appreciate that not everyone has the time or experience to organise an event, however there are many different ways that you may be able to help.

Could you become involved in the setup or cleanup of events?  Putting up arrows, rolling up bunting - many hands make light work.

Do you have a Trade or can you provide a Service that would make the events easier to run, or save the event the expense of hiring equipment, that can then be turned back into dollars for more spot prizes etc?

Recently I purchased a purpose built equipment/motorbike trailer to cart all the gear and bikes to events. One of the parents kindly offered to 12v wire the trailer as a donation to the events.

Another parent offered to supply the orange safety vests used at the events.

Is there something you could do to help the Junior Offroad Events?

Some items or services we need :

  • Laptop Needed for timing riders at Enduro Events. Anyone with an old (working) laptop. 

  • Wooden Stakes 50 x 25mm

  • Track Clean up – A tractor with blade & bucket.

  • Signwriter and Supplies – There are a number of corflute signs we need.

  • Witches Hats x 6 (medium size)

  • Water – Does anyone have contacts to get bottles of water to encourage the kids to drink?

  • Hammers – the large Gympie style Hammers x 4

  • Bunting – The safety type Red/White

  • Printing – for advertising flyers, certificates etc.

  • Toilets Portable

  • Portable 2 way radios

These are just a few of the Items or Services that we currently need to keep the Junior Events running strong. If you have any suggestions or are able to help in some way, please contact me.

See you at the next event.

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