Safe . Friendly . Fun
Ages 4yrs - Under 23s

Enduro Sprint
An Enduro Sprint is different from a Short Course Enduro.
It comprises of two timed Special Tests that are ridden up to 8 times depending on bike capacity. Tests
will vary in length from 2- 5km and will have
technical sections that will challenge the riders skill.
The trail section of the event is optionary and does not form part of the results. Riders must complete all
of the Special Tests to avoid receiving any
time penalties.
Trail Class and 50cc Non-Competitive riders will be able to ride the trail loop section throughout the day.
Short Course Enduro
A Short Course Enduro is a combination of Trail Riding and timed Special Tests.
The Trail section is 10-12km long and includes narrow bush tracks, hills, rocks and creek crossings.
The timed Special Test section is usually 2km long and twists and winds its way through the bush. The fastest rider in the Special Test section is usually the winner on the day.
Short Course Enduros have a Non Competitive Trail Ride Class. (Please note that Trail Class is not available at every event. Please check the relevant event pages for further details).
Format for the Day
You will have pre-entered online so all you need to bring with you to registration is a copy of your entry receipt, your ORCWA Club Membership card and your Motorcycling Australia Licence (if you have one). If you need a One Event Licence then bring Mum or Dad because they will need to sign it for you.
The Registration crew will make sure you have entered the correct class and issue you with a number for your bike and a rider's Time Card with your start time written on it.
Displayed on a board will be sheets that give you the time allowed to complete each trail section. You transfer these times to your rider card so that you know what time you are due to “check in” to each control. There will be Coaches present at the Registration to help you. You must hand your card in at the end of the day.
Machine Examination
Once you have stuck your number on your bike, head to machine examination. You will need to bring your helmet with you.
Make sure your bike is fuelled up and ready to ride. Your bike will be placed in a compound area called a “parc ferme” until the start of the event. Once placed in the parc ferme you are not able to work on your bike.
As soon as your bike is examined get dressed so you are ready to ride!
All other safety gear will be inspected at the start.
Riders' Meeting
It is compulsory for all riders to attend the Riders' Meeting. It is also very important that parents attend as well.
The Riders' Meeting will explain how the day will be run - what colour arrows to follow, which trail loop to ride first and how many Special Tests there will be.
It is very important to listen carefully.
Trail Section
The trail sections are marked with arrows (on trees) and wind their way through the bush., over logs, up hills and through creeks. They are great fun to ride.
There are usually two trail sections of approx 10-12km length with a shortened section for the smaller Div 1 50cc bikes.
The larger bikes may ride the Trail section 6-8 times, giving them a total of up to 90km of riding, and the smaller bikes 4 times, with up to 50km of riding.
The time given to complete each section varies depending on your bike capacity and the class entered.
Each rider has a start time and up to three riders leave at the same time.
You must complete all the trail sections within the time given to be eligible for a winning place.
Non Competitive Trail Riders complete the same trail section, but do not ride or get timed in the Special Test.
Pacing yourself to complete the distance is important.
Special Test
The Special Test is usually 1.5-2km long and close to the Pit/ Control area. It is marked out with arrows and bunting.
Many riders will walk the special test early in the morning as a warm up and to have a look at the type of terrain they will be racing in. You will get to pre-ride the Special Test as a sighting lap.
Larger bikes can be timed up to 4 times in the test while smaller bikes are usually timed twice.
Riders will be told when to start and leave one at a time, approximately 20 seconds apart.
The fastest rider in the test is usually the winner, so this is the “race” part of an Enduro.
Presentations and Spot Prizes
It is important that riders stay for the Presentations. It is your opportunity to thank all the people that have volunteered their time so that you could have a great day of riding.
Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each class.
There's another good reason to stay for the Presentations, and that's the Spot Prizes. Every rider's name goes into the draw so you can win a prize even if you haven't won any races. But you must be at the presentations to win a prize! Some of the prizes can include a top of the range helmet and boots, so it's well worth being there.
* Please note that Lunch is not provided, so please bring your own food and drinks.
Minimum Riding Gear
Helmets are inspected at the Machine Examination and all other safety gear is inspected at the start of practice.
You will not be allowed to ride and will miss the race if you do not have the correct riding gear.
For the safety of all participants the following protective gear is absolutely compulsory:
Australian Standards approved Helmet
MX style Nylon Pants
MX style Boots
Body Armour
We also strongly encourage riders to wear Knee and Elbow Guards.
Minimum Tools
Parents - please make sure all riders carry a spare spark plug and preferably the correct spanner to fit out on the trail.
The best way to carry these tools is in a small Bum Bag available from most bag/suitcase shops or Motorcycle shops.
Parents Involvement
We welcome parents to attend and be involved on the day. Whether it be on the trail helping the kids through the tough sections as a Sweep Rider or helping out with scoring, there is always something you could do to help.
If you would like to become more involved with the event please feel free to contact our Volunteer Co-Ordinator to discuss it further.