Safe . Friendly . Fun
Ages 4yrs - Under 23s
Season/Event Secretary
Equipment Co-ordinator
Coaching Co-ordinator
Membership Co-ordinator
Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Season Scorer
Safety & Sweep Co-ordinator
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Landowner Co-ordinator
Website Co-ordinator
Merchandise Co-ordinator
Michael Hughes
Hayley Kennedy
Got a question? A suggestion? A complaint?
We welcome all feedback and are particularly keen to hear from riders and parents. We would especially appreciate your feedback and comments on events.
For all event queries leading up to race day, please contact Event Organiser of the day. Go to event page and open Event Details to find name and number for Event Organiser.
For all other queries, contact Season Secretary by email or email a Committee Member below by clicking on their name. Alternatively, fill contact form.
We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.